In April, our movie night will take place on Saturday, April 27th. It will start at 6:30 pm with a potluck dinner at our AFGO office, followed by the screening of a French movie subtitled in English.
This month, we will be featuring the film “L’Anglaise et le duc” (“the Lady and the Duke”). This movie is a 2001 historical romantic drama film written and directed by Éric Rohmer, based on the memoirs “Ma vie sous la Révolution” (“Journal of My Life During the French Revolution”) by Grace Elliott, a Scottish royalist caught up in the political intrigue following the French Revolution.
Grace Elliott enjoys her comfortable upper-middle class life and warm friendship with her former lover the Duke of Orleans, until the turbulent French Revolution frighteningly begins. Their friendship unravels as Grace risks her life taking in a fugitive against the Duke’s wishes. Soon, Grace urges the Duke not to make a horrifying decision. But ultimately, she is unable to prevent several bloody fates, including the possibility of her own.