Season 22
Season 22 is part II of the discovery of the Limousin Region. From the large space of Plateau des Mille Vaches, to the historical city of Limoges, from the peaceful limousine ewes to the terrible Beast of Limousin, from porcelain to enamel, from Aubusson tapestry to the local dances, from the traditional processions to the dark hours of World War Two in Oradour-sur-Glane, from delicious recipes to food fairs, you will discover the stories and the History of this province.
Each conference lasts two hours. The program takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, Fridays in English/ Saturdays in French.
The first conference of our twenty-second season will be held on Friday, January the 20th at 6:00 pm.
The cost for a session of 5 conferences is $ 60. But you can in fact decide to take advantage of the bilingualism of our program to improve your French or your English; and register, for the same price, for the full session of 10 conferences.
If you prefer to select specific conferences, the pricing is then $ 18 per conference, with still the option of attending the same conference in English and in French, with no increase in the price.
Here is the schedule for the new five conferences of Season 22:
January the 13th and the 14th 2023
Plateau des Millevaches:
– Presentation of the region
– Limousine Cows
– Limousine Ships
– Limousine Chickens

January the 20th and the 21 st 2023
- A village in Limousin
- Massacre during World War One
- A site to remember
January the 27 th and the 28 th 2023
Aubusson Tapestry
- Aubusson, a city in Creuse
- Aubusson Tapestry, 6 centuries of art

February the 3 rd and the 4 th 2023
Legends and Tales of Limousin
- The Beast of Limousin
- Wolves in Limousin
February the 10 th and the 11 th 2023
Pleasures of the table in Limousin
- Cuisine of Limousin
- Food Fairs in Limousin

If you are new to our conferences, to pre-register please contact our teacher in charge, Muriel Partridge,
by sending her an email:
Upon receipt, she will give you her direct phone contact as well as payment information and answer any
questions you may have.
If you are a returning participant, please send your payment the same way you did for the first sessions
of five conferences.
We look forward to taking you on an extraordinary journey!
Muriel Partridge, AFGO Teacher