Season 24
After a trip to Gironde, our next season will continue to make you explore the historical province of Guyenne-Gascogne and will take you to the Landes department. From the Landes Course of Dax, to the Madeleine Festival of Mont-de-Marsan ; from the beaches of Biscarosse, to the Latécoère hydroplanes ; from the beautiful city of Mimizan and the walk of the fat bulls, to the savory recipes of the gasconne cuisine, you will discover the stories and the History of the Department.
Each conference lasts two hours. The program takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, Fridays in English, Saturdays in French.
The first conference of our twenty-fourth season will be held on Friday March the 31st at 6:00 pm.
The cost for a session of 5 conferences is $ 60. But you can in fact decide to take advantage of the bilingualism of our program to improve your French, or your English; and register, for the sameprice, to the full session of 10 conferences.
If you prefer to select specific conferences, the pricing is then $ 18 per conference, with still the option of attending the same conference in English and in French, with no increase of the price.
Here is the schedule for the new five conferences of Season 24:
March the 31st and April the 1st 2023: Dax
– The Antique City of Tarbellicae
– The history of Dax
– The Landes Course
– Dax Festival
April the 7th and the 8th 2023: Mont-de-Marsan
– A Capital City
– The Madeleine Festival
April the 14th and the 15th 2023: A seaside resort devoted to aviation
– Biscarosse
– The Latécoère hydroplanes
April the 21st and the 22nd 2023: The Mimizan area
– The history of Mimizan
– The fat bulls of Bazas
April the 28th and the 29th 2023: A rich and savory Cuisine
– Delicious local dishes
Visit our website to discover what topics will be covered during the weekly conferences during May and beyond.
If you are new to our conferences, to pre-register please contact our teacher in charge, Muriel Partridge, by sending her an email:murieldebevere@yahoo.fr
Upon receipt, she will give you her direct phone contact as well aspayment information and answer any questions you may have.
If you are a returning participant, please send your payment the same way you did for the first sessions of five conferences.
We look forward to taking you on an extraordinary journey!
Muriel Partridge, AFGO Teacher