Season 17: Brittany
You want to learn more about France, its History, its Arts, its Culture, its Traditions… Alliance Francaise of Greater Orlando offers you an opportunity to do so from the comfort and the security of your home with its new online Zoom conferences.
Prepare yourself for an amazing journey through centuries, visiting French cities, regions, gardens, menageries, world fairs… Learn about the genesis of modern techniques, avionic, automobile… Follow the paths of great scientists, Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie… Share the daily life of kings in Versailles, enjoy the cuisine they used to savor, and the beauty of the French art of the table… Use all of your senses, admire the art of painters, the skill of sculptors like Bartholdi, discover the history of perfumes… Enter the intimacy of French national figures: Joanne of Arc, Marie-Antoinette… Take part of the lavish existence of our kings’ favorites…
We have so many enthralling stories to share with you.
After a journey through the Pyrenees, our next season will take you to Bretagne. From cities and villages to the ocean, from Rennes to Saint-Malo, from the Briton language to the French, from Celtic mythology to the Briton « Pardons », you will discover one of the very beautiful regions of France, its history, its traditions, and its gastronomy.
Each conference lasts two hours. The program takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, Fridays in English, Saturdays in French.
The first conference of our seventeenth season will be held on Friday, May 13 at 6:00 pm.
The cost for a session of 5 conferences is $ 50. But you can decide to take advantage of the bilingualism of our program to improve your French or your English; and register, for the same price, for the full session of 10 conferences.
If you prefer to select specific conferences, the pricing is then $ 15 per conference, with still the option of attending the same conference in English and in French, with no increase in the price.

Here is the schedule for the new five conferences of Season 17 on Brittany
May 13 and 14 2022: Bretagne Region and Rennes
– General presentation of the region
– Geography
– History
– Fauna and Flora
– Rennes, Capital city
– History and monuments
May 20 and 21 2022: Guilvinec
– 150 years of the life of a community of fishermen
May 27 and 28, 2022: Legends
– Celtic Mythology
– Briton “Pardons”
June 3 and 4, 2022: Harbours of Bretagne
– Brest
– Saint-Malo
June 10 and 11 2022: Traditions
– Traditional clothing
– Gastronomy
Visit our website to discover what topics will be covered during the weekly conferences during June and on through 2022 and beyond.
If you are new to our conferences, to pre-register please contact our teacher in charge, Muriel Partridge, by sending her an email:
Upon receipt, she will give you her direct phone contact as well as payment information and answer any questions you may have.
If you are a returning participant, please send your payment the same way you did for the first sessions of five conferences.
We look very forward to taking you on an extraordinary journey!
Muriel Partridge, AFGO Teacher