In the last 6 months, the gods of pétanque protected our monthly picnic, with no bad weather.
Despite the rainy season let’s hope that it will also be the case on Sunday, July 9, when our next picnic/pétanque will take place at Mead Botanical Garden, starting at 12:30 pm with a potluck lunch, followed by the pétanque (French ball game) matches.

Despite the vacation period, our French language school is running, both for children and adults. Three weeks of successful summer camp took place for kids in June. Two more weeks are scheduled at the end of July and beginning of August. For these last two weeks we still have openings. For more detailed information, please consult Delphine, our School Administrator, at thecours2francais@gmail.com.

Season 26 of “Discover France and its Culture” started on June 30 and will continue until the end of July. For more details, please consult Muriel Partridge at murieldebevere@yahoo.fr.

The June movie night was well attended and the participants brought wonderful food for the potluck dinner. Let’s hope that it will be the same on Saturday July 29, our next movie night. As usual, it will start at 6:30 pm, with a potluck dinner, followed by the projection of a French movie subtitled in English, all in AFGO’s office (1516 E. Colonial Dr., Suite 120, Orlando, FL 32803). In mid-July an email with all the details about this event will be sent.


Pierre Curie was born in Paris in 1859 and died in 1906 (aged 46).

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw in 1867 and died in Paris in 1934 (aged 66).

Both were pioneers in crystallography, magnetism, and radioactivity.

In 1903, Marie and Pierre Curie received the Nobel Prize in Physics “In recognition of the extraordinary services they had rendered by their joint research into the radiation phenomena discovered by Henri Becquerel”.

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