This month, our picnic/pétanque event will take place on Sunday, March 10, at Mead Botanical Garden (Winter Park) as usual, starting at 12:30pm, with a potluck lunch followed by pétanque (French ball game) matches. This event is open to adults and kids accompanied by their parents. Games will be organized for kids.

Our School continues to develop, and we are working on becoming a DELF testing center within the next year or so. The process is long, but we now have one of our teachers certified.

As a reminder, on March 2nd, a new beginner in-person class (Saturday mornings) will open. We are also planning to open a B2 class in the next few weeks.

For more information about our school activities, please consult Delphine Francois, our School Administrator, at:

Our Chandeleur party took place on February 3rd and was quite a success, with 76 people, including guests and organizers, participating in that event dedicated to crêpes (with sweet toppings) and galettes (with various savory toppings). The theme was: All you can make, all you can eat! This culinary experience was accompanied with various drinks: French rose wine, cider, various soft drinks. This was a lovely moment sharing a French tradition.

As far as the “Discover France and its Culture” lectures are concerned, Season 32 will start early March, and will be devoted to the Champagne region during this whole month, a region which is famous for its history and wines. For more details, please consult Muriel Partridge, at

This month, our movie night will take place on Saturday, March 30, at AFGO’s office. It will start at 6:30 pm with a potluck dinner, followed by the projection of a French movie subtitled in English. Around mid-March, an email with all the details will be sent out.


Though AFGO has no link with CIDEF, we thought that it might be interesting to bring this organization to your attention. CIDEF is located in Angers, a beautiful city at the end of the Loire river, close to the Atlantic. It proposes various types of French language courses, as well cultural courses (art, tourism, gastronomy, political system, economy, etc.) to a variety of foreign students during short periods, or quarterly, or even yearly stays.

CIDEF students are also offered the opportunity to live with local French families. Email:

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