As announced in our August newsletter, the next movie night will take place in the AFGO office
(1516 E. Colonial Dr., Suite 120, Orlando, FL 32803) on Saturday, August 20, starting at 6:30 pm.
Parking and entrance at the back of the building. Optional mask wearing.
As usual, we will have a friendly potluck dinner, followed by the projection of a French movie,
subtitled in English.
This time, we offer the movie “Mon Meilleur Ami” (My Best Friend), by Patrick Leconte.
Main actors: Daniel Auteuil, Dany Boon, Julie Gayet.

Synopsis: Unlikable antique dealer Francois (Daniel Auteuil) always gets what he wants, but there’s one thing he’s never had: a friend. Challenged to a bet by his business partner, Francois must find someone who will pose as his best pal in just ten days. Enlisting the assistance of charming taxi driver Bruno (Dany Boon), Francois goes to outrageous lengths to be “sociable, smiling and sincere.”