January 21st, 2023
As announced in our January newsletter, our next movie night will take place in AFGO’s office
(1516 E. Colonial Dr., suite 120, Orlando, FL 32803), on Saturday, January 21, starting at 6:30 pm.
Parking and entrance at the back of the building.
As usual, we will have first a friendly potluck dinner, followed by the projection of a French movie
subtitled in English.
This time we offer a film named “The Bélier Family” by Eric Lartigau.
Main actors: Karin Viard, Francois Damiens, Eric Elmosino, Louane Emera.
In the Bélier family, everyone is deaf except Paula, 16. She is an essential interpreter for her
parents on a daily level, particularly where the running of the family is concerned. One day, urged
by her music teacher, she prepares for the Radio France Choir audition. A life choice that
will distance her from her family and force her to grow up.