Our French Fun and Learning Summer Camp for children will take place from June 17th to 21st and July 8th to August 2nd. This year, we will have children from 4 to 9 years old in the morning (9am to 12pm) and 10 to 13 years old in the afternoon (1 to 4 pm).
Discover France and its Culture conferences:
Season 34 will focus on Corsica and take place from Friday, June 14th through Saturday, July 13th. We will explore the history of the island, its main cities, as well as the local legends, music, and gastronomy.
These conferences are in English on Friday evening and in French on Saturday evening. Each conference will last two hours.
To register or get more information about our conferences, classes, or the children summer camp, please reach out toDelphine, our School Administrator, at thecours2francais@gmail.com.

1) Picnic/pétanque event:
- Location: Mead Botanical Garden
- Date: Sunday, June 9th
- Time: 12:30pm potluck lunch followed by pétanque games(French ball game)
2) Movie night:
- Location: AFGO’s office
- Date: Saturday, June 29th, not June 22nd
- Time: please be aware that this event will now start at 6pm instead of 6:30 pm.
We will have a potluck, followed by the projection of a French movie subtitled in English. Within a few days, an email with all the movie details will be sent out.
We also want to announce another change: at the end of the film projection, we will offer the possibility to have a short discussion on the projected movie.

The AFGO team wishes you all a wonderful summer!