Dear Friends, At our Special Meeting that took place on May 4th, based on Article 5D of the Alliance Française of Greater Orlando bylaws, Mr. Sylvain Perret was unanimously elected as new President of the AFGO. Mr. Bernard Loddé remains involved at AFGO as Honorary President. All AFGO members were duly convened to the Special Meeting via an email sent to them on April 23rd. During the Special Meeting, Mr. Loddé presented a review of the past 22 years during which he was President of the AFGO. When Mr. Loddé became President in 2002, our school at AFGO comprised only five students and two teachers. Over the years, the school has experienced significant enrollment growth and currently comprises 160 students, with approximately 80 children and 80 adults, and 14 teachers. As a reminder, our Annual Meeting will take place in October to present the key figures of the fiscal year and to renew the mandate of the new Board of Directors for a one-year term. Details regarding the date and time of this meeting will be provided at a later time. Cordially, |
Sylvain Perret President AFGO Bernard Loddé Honorary President AFGO |